When you first install the AlinkPlus software and you wish to Direct Connect to a Solution 2000 or Solution 3000 panel , first you need to install the USB drivers for the DLA on your computer.
The DLA Drivers are already on your PC , they are in the AlinkPlus folder where you installed the software.
You will need to connect the DLA to a COM port on your pc and then go into the DEVICE MANAGER
select Ports : COM and LPT
You will probably see the USB device but it will have a yellow triangle to indicate it has no driver.
You must then right click on the USB device and select Update Driver.
You then need to BROWSE to the following
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bosch Security System\A-Link Plus\USB_DRIVER\DLA then click OK
The driver should then be installed and you should be able to connect to the panel and upload and download.
This guide is for Bosch Solution 2000 and Bosch Solution 3000