We can use AlinkPlus to set up a panel to have access to the Bosch Cloud and the RSC+ service.
then type in a Customer Name and Save
2. We must then create a Control Panel Configuration
We will do this for either a Bosch Solution 2000 or Bosch Solution 3000 panel
Remember to use the Cloud the panel must be firmware V2.0 or higher.
Remember to SAVE.
3. We then need to do our basic panel programming
Setting up as required the
Next, we can set up for RSC+
4. We must tell the panel we want to use either the B426-M or B450-M and B443 to connect to the Bosch Cloud Service.
We select to use the Module under Comm then Network Config
If we have two modules, we must do this for each (Network Module 1 /Network Module 2)
We must also enable Cloud Connect
5. If we are using the B450-M and B443, we must also program the Mobile network provider APN name.
This is the Primary Network Access Point name.
Each Service Provider has a different APN.
Remember to SAVE and then download to the panel.
6. To connect to the panel using AlinkPlus via the Cloud we must ensure the UID is programmed.
Each module has a unique 21 Digit Cloud UID
We normally scan this into the RSC+ App on your phone
We must also enter at least one Cloud ID in AlinkPlus under the Customer Information Tab
This then allows us to connect
When we are connected and ONLINE we will see the UID/s for our modules.
This guide is for Bosch Solution 2000 and Bosch Solution 3000