Sensor Data Fusion Technology
Sensor data fusion technology is a unique feature that uses a sophisticated software algorithm to gather
signals from five sensors: two pyroelectric sensors, range adaptive radar, a room temperature sensor, and a white light level sensor. The microcontroller analyzes and compares the sensor data to make the most
intelligent alarm decisions in the security industry.
Tri-focus Optics Technology
Tri-focus optics technology uses optics with three specific focal lengths: long-range coverage, middlerange coverage, and short-range coverage. The detector applies the three focal lengths to 86
detection zones, which combine to make 11 solid curtains of detection. Tri-focus optics technology also
includes two pyroelectric sensors, which deliver twice the standard optical gain. The sensors process
multiple signals to deliver precise performance virtually free of false alarms.
Range Adaptive Radar
The microwave transceiver automatically adjusts its detection thresholds based on input from the PIR
sensors. Integrating the target audience distance information from the PIR significantly reduces false
alarms from the microwave Doppler radar.